May 04, 2016

Chair's Spring -Break Message

Every year, at this time, I’m struck by the rush to ‘the holiday break’ and I wonder about those who have to work through the break to help the rest of us enjoy it.

  • gas station attendants, bus drivers, ferry crews, pilots and flight attendants.

  • wait staff and counter help at restaurants and snack bars, porters and maids

  • cinema box office,  24-7 techies at our ISP, telephone operators

  • on-duty doctors, nurses, pharmacists, med techs and ambulance drivers

  • TV crews feeding that strange mix of religious films and Barbie animations

  • students reviewing a ream of notes for end-of-year tests

  • cooks in the kitchen or turning the spit

Let’s give them all a thought, save them a plate, and maybe leave a little extra in the tip.

If we’re among the privileged ‘free’ this week, we can catch up on our email, maybe even answer the important ones, reconnect with current events and renew our political savvy.

The Dems Abroad Platform

The 5-day Open Comment period has ended, with more than 3,275 entries made by Dems around the world. The final draft will be out on May 8 and then debated and voted on at the DA convention in Berlin (May 12-15). A worthy document, impressive. The section on Issues Affecting Americans Abroad is still up at

Attend the DPCA Convention

We’re going to Berlin … via WebEx. And so can you! Chair and Vice Chair cast our votes. All DA members are welcome. Registration is required even for WebEx. Find the registration page here:

DPCA asks a donation to cover meeting costs, but all Democratic Party meetings are free, so you can register without donating. Or gather a few Dem friends and share the donation. Information is continuously updated on the DA wiki at:

Get Ready to Come Together

Claims to the contrary, the presidential race is still in play. Depending on primaries over the next 1.5 months, it could go right to the wire in Philadelphia (July 25-28). Then, we reunite! Obama said it well this week:

“… the good news for Democrats is that we know what we believe. … We have two fine Democratic candidates who, no matter their differences, share this same set of core beliefs that defines our party. And in November, we're going to make sure that one of them becomes our next president.”

Looking forward, DAGR

Keep an eye on the DA website Greece page or email or Facebook for details.

  • Women’s Caucus takes back Mothers’ Day on May 11.

  • Berlin Convention as above. Form up house parties to join one or more sessions.

  • Tax Seminar looks set for mid-June, just after our June 15 filing deadline.

  • Independence Day (aka FOJ) beach party on Saturday, July 2.

  • DNC Convention, July 25-28, Philadelphia!

  • Fall GOTV starts the 2nd week of September. Sign up now to lend a hand!

Whether your holiday will be one of religious renewal or secular relaxation, make it the best possible. And come back with batteries charged for the rest of this fascinating election year.

On to summer!

Karen Lee, Chair