April 26, 2017

2017-19 Chapter Election Results, AGM Minutes & Contact List

The DA Canada Toronto Chapter Nominations & Elections Committee are pleased to announce the results of the chapter board for the 2017-19 term, as reported by the Teller of Elections at the AGM of April 9, 2017.

 Following the election results are links to the draft AGM minutes and the contact list for the new board.

 Chair: Julie Buchanan

 Vice-Chair: Nathan Lujan

 Vice-Chair: Danielle Stampley

 Secretary: Mari Rutka

 Treasurer: Dewitt Lee

 Member-at-Large: Alyssa Ages

 Member-at-Large: Dylan Clark

 Member-at-Large: Paulette Kelly

 Member-at-Large: J. David Markham

 Member-at-Large: Kathleen Leuschen Millar

 Member-at-Large: Derrick Raphael

 Member-at-Large: Virginia Smith

 Member-at-Large (Peel Region): Susan Alksnis

 Member-at-Large (York Region): Brooke Scott

 Subsequent to the election results, the newly elected Chapter Chair designated both candidates for Secretary as Co-Secretaries, with their consent.

 Respectfully submitted,


DACanada–Toronto Chapter Nominations & Elections Committee


Star Goggins, Chair
Chris Eggers
David Letteney
Steve Nardi (Teller)


 -NEC Toronto Teller Elections Results of 2017-2019 Toronto Chapter Board may be viewed at this link


  -Draft of AGM Minutes to be approved at next Chapter AGM may be viewed at this link


  -DA Canada Toronto 2017-2019 Board contact list may be viewed at this link