July 14, 2017

Pop up Resistance Event in Solidarity with Women's March #NRA2DOJ July 15th

Some back ground information:

From the WMW website:

"On Friday, July 14, Women’s March and partners will set out from the NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA to the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to demand justice for Philando Castile and send a bold message that united we are stronger than hate.

We know that we are not safe.

But we will not be intimidated into silence.

Please join us and spread the word about the Women’s March from #NRA2DOJ on July 14 and 15."

Read the Open Letter to NRA with three demands: http://bit.ly/NRAOpenLetter

Warning! Prepare to be offended and outraged by the NRA's recent recruitment video. You can see and read about it here in the Huffington Post.

On Saturday, July 15, 10 am, as they gather again in DC, at the Department of Justice, we will hold a vigil in solidarity at

Withrow Park
725 Logan Ave
Near the playground
10 am to noon

What can we do as US citizens in Canada? Let your members of Congress know how you feel! Do your members take money from the NRA? Where do they stand on gun control? Find out and write them a postcard. We will have fact sheets, postcards and postage for your act of resistance on Saturday!

Our chapter thanks Brooke Scott and Kate Leuschen for their work pulling this event together so quickly.

RSVP here!