August 01, 2017

Join Democrats Abroad Australia in support for Universal Healthcare


Universal Healthcare: a.k.a Guaranteed Healthcare, Medicare for All, Single-Payer

No matter what you call it, the time is now for universal healthcare. Given the recent attacks on healthcare and threats of repeal towards ACA (“Obamacare”), Democrats need a firm stance to show support for those who need it most.

The cost of healthcare in the United States is the biggest cause of poverty and financial and psychological strain on Americans - especially among minority communities and low income families. Many other countries ensure universal healthcare as a fundamental human right.

Democrats Abroad Australia surveyed its members in 2017 and found that affordable and universal healthcare was by far the biggest priority. In Australia, and many other developed countries, everyone can rely on public and accessible without thought or concern of how it will affect them financially.

You spoke and now it’s time for action.

First: Show your support.

Download the A4 selfie sign, fill out why you think universal healthcare is important, take a selfie. Share it on your social networks, make it your profile pic! Email it to us!

Please use the hashtag #DA4UHC when sharing!

Second: Tell your story.

What unique experience have you have from living abroad that you could tell fellow Americans back home? What experience have you had from a country with free access to healthcare? How have you benefited? Are you a healthcare refugee? Could you be such in future? What would like to tell your lawmaker right now about healthcare? Your voice matters, and will only matter if you use it.

We want to hear your story, please send it to: [email protected] and then, please e-mail your Representative and Senator!

Third: Spread the word, encourage others to join

Democrats Abroad Australia will take this campaign to the 2018 DA AGM where we will pass a resolution for Democrats Abroad international in support of universal healthcare (aka Guaranteed Healthcare, Single-payer or Medicare4All). Although Democrats Abroad favors the position of single-payer, we will propose a clear and unequivocal support for true universal healthcare, with intent to take to DNC. The more members we have involved, the more successful this campaign will be!

Your voice matters. Your story matters. Be part of the campaign “I Heart Universal Healthcare” and oppose the disastrous attacks on healthcare by joining us in this effort.
