Monthly Tiny Actions, August 2017

As the weeks go by, we continue to hit low after low after low, like some sort of speed limbo contest in which we are all losers:

  • Congress narrowly avoids cutting off 21 million people from access to affordable health insurance, yet has thrown the insurance market for next year into such disarray that millions will nevertheless be negatively affected;
  • the President threatens to exclude thousands of honorable trans* service members from the military;
  • special prosecutor Robert Mueller empanels a grand jury in the investigation on Russian collusion with the Trump campaign;
  • Guamanians are seen as little more than a bargaining chip in a nuclear race to the button with North Korea;
  • but perhaps the newest low was on display at this weekend’s rally in Charlottesville, VA, where the ugly face of white supremacy in modern America, wearing polo shirts and carrying automatic rifles and tiki torches, was given a gloss of respectability by the White House itself.

Do you shudder to think where we would be if there were no Presidential golf vacation or Congressional recess?! Take action, but then take a break! We resisters too need time to recharge for the onslaught that certainly faces us come the return to Washington desks in September. We’ve kept the suggestions short and sweet this month; here just five, five-minute ideas to support our efforts that you can do from home or your hotel room:

If you've got FIVE MINUTES:

  • Join our global vigil against hate. Make a sign, take a picture with the sign, share with us on social media or reply with your picture to this email. #DAresists #Charlottesville

  • Register for this week’s DA speaker series webinar with Tom Hicks of the Election Assistance Commission. Tom will speak with us about voter rights and suppression tactics facing US voters today.

  • Send your mayor, governor, Congress, or the President a postcard on protecting America’s Dreamers under DACA, on preserving funding for the EAC and the State Department, on maintaining the standards set in the Paris Climate Agreement, or to dis/approve of their votes on Trumpcare. You’ll find our postcard scripts on these and other urgent topics here.

  • Help us out with our upcoming social media campaigns -- take a photo (or six) with our Resistance Summer issue posters (download here) and send them by email to [email protected].

  • Email your U.S. Representative and ask him/her to cosponsor H.R. 2710, the Commission on Americans Living Abroad Act. This non-controversial bill would have the federal government assess how U.S. laws impact the civilian community of Americans abroad. Find our email and calling scripts here.

We thank you in advance for your time and for reaching out to those around you to amplify your own efforts. As always, forward this message to anyone you think may like to join us.

To take back Congress, we’re gearing up for a full year of GOTV in 2018 and will be launching our popular global auction fundraiser this fall to aid our efforts. Do you have something you could donate to help us reach our funding target? One of the most popular items in the past has been time in a vacation home or a guest stay in [your] exotic location. If you have any questions about the auction, send them to Owen at [email protected].

And if you’re still too busy this month to help out, perhaps you’d consider sending a donation our way to cover the stamp on another member’s postcard to Congress? Every little bit helps.