May 16, 2021

Call for Singers: DA Germany Sea Shanty

Avast, me hearties! Calling all swabbies and mates with an interest in choral singing and a smartphone! DA Germany is pursuing a sea-shanty project with a GOTV twist. We’ve written a parody version of the extremely popular song "Wellerman" centered around the importance of voting from abroad. We have a simple arrangement with 5 parts (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone and Bass), MIDI rehearsal tracks and straightforward recording instructions for people who would like to learn it, record it and have it edited together as a choral piece.

Dash Nesbitt has generously agreed to serve as conductor and Daniel Hoever-Eckardt has consented to take on the tenor solo line, so we only need to collect a virtual choir for a full sound on the chorus. Depending on how much interest there is in this project, we can hold one or two sessions for Q&A or troubleshooting regarding the music, in lieu of a rehearsal. If you choose to participate, you are giving Democrats Abroad permission to use the video for its purposes. 

Please fill out this form to get started. Once we have your contact information and part preference, we’ll send you rehearsal materials so you can start recording. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].