Saturday, July 08

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4th of July, 2023 Celebration With Democrats Abroad-UAE

We are thrilled to invite you to celebrate the 4th of July at Publique, Souk Madinat Jumeirah on Saturday, July 8 2023. The special 4th of July menu is being provided by Carnistore.

Invite your family & friends to celebrate our country’s independence day, meet the new DA leadership team and enjoy a 4th of July dinner with your fellow Americans.

House Beverage Option: AED 299, Soft Beverage Option: AED 229

Note: The event will be family friendly with a la carte kids menu.

Location link:

We hope you can join us to celebrate our country's Independence day from the UAE.


Saturday, July 08, 2023 at 06:00 PM Abu Dhabi Time


Publique, Souk Madinat Jumeirah
United Arab Emirates
Google map and directions


Sam Khunaizi

Will you come?

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

21 RSVPs