Monday, March 07

Washington D.C.

Inside The Fight For Fair Redistricting

Inside The Fight For Fair Redistricting....

One of the key vehicles for voter suppression and one of the prime contributors to our political polarization has been a process called “gerrymandering”. This NYTimes piece does a good job explaining what that is – and includes a “fun” game to try your hand at gerrymandering. 

In 2010, extreme gerrymandering by the Right knee-capped our democracy (great book on this: RatF*cked). However, over the past 6-10 years, a lot of effort and progress has been made to counter gerrymandering and make sure that the maps are fairer than were produced in 2010 (redistricting is done every 10 years in line with the census).

As we look at the 2022 election, many have been deeply concerned about Democrats holding the House. And, while that’s a valid concern, it’s really important to know that this election will be on very different maps than those over the past 10 years. 

Please join us, in collaboration with Former United States Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Suzi LeVine, for an hour-long briefing with Kelly Burton, the President of the National Democratic Redistricting Council (NDRC) – the organization that serves as the quarterback for Democratic efforts to thwart gerrymandering. 

The agenda will be as follows: 

  • 15 mins – history of redistricting – how did we get here 
  • 15 mins – where we are now – the work that has been done over the past 10 years to recover from the crushing blow of the 2010 election – especially the work the NDRC has done since 2016
  • 15 mins – what we need to do going forward to create/protect/expand fair districts (including options we’re seeing around voting rights since the failure of the last bill to pass). We will also look at the prospects for the 2022 districts and elections.
  • 15 mins Q&A

Please join our joint collaboration with Suzi LeVine for a very important information session on saving our democracy!

Please consider making a donation to help get out the vote in 2022. We can not win without you! 

Donate today at:

Location Time
Vancouver (Canada) 8:00 AM
Washington DC 11:00 AM
London (UK) 4:00 PM
Berlin (Germany) 5:00 PM
Nairobi (Kenya) 7:00 PM
Mumbai (India) 9:30 PM


Monday, March 07, 2022 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


ZOOM - online event
Washington D.C.
United States
Google map and directions


Leedonal Moore
[email protected]

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