DAG Secretary and DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate

Gender: (F)

I would be grateful for the opportunity to continue serving as the Secretary of Democrats Abroad Germany and become a DPCA Voting Representative. My volunteer efforts with DA began when I was given the chance to establish the Hannover Precinct in late 2018. After helping to build up a strong team of volunteers in our chapter, increase membership in the area and organize multiple Global Presidential Primaries, one of which we hosted in Hannover, I was asked to serve as DAG Secretary in March of 2020. As Secretary, I have worked with the leadership team to facilitate and organize structures to ensure clear communication and easy access to information. I am well-organized, motivated, and engaged, and I aim to be encouraging and supportive of those around me. I also helped establish and organize the Voter Assistance Team that helped close to 1500 voters here in Germany who were struggling to receive or cast their ballots. Our team wrote hundreds of emails and made countless phone calls to local election officials to follow up on each individual situation and ensure that every vote would be counted. Once the November election had passed, we dove into the efforts to win the Georgia Senate seats. I am now participating in initiatives to encourage voters to become more involved in state and local elections to ensure the Democrats can battle voter suppression and gerrymandering. I am a native Texan, a mother of two boys and an international school teacher who has called Germany home for 20 years. I was recently re-elected as Vice Chair of the Göttingen-Hannover Chapter and hope to continue working on the local and national level to increase DA’s outreach in Germany to ensure as many people as possible can exercise their right to vote. Thank you for your consideration.

Endorsement of Jennifer von Estorff by Kate Sawyer
Endorsement of Jennifer von Estorff by Teresa Ritterhof
Endorsement of Jennifer von Estorff by Dr. Kenton Emery Barnes