Kristen Jafflin

Secretary, Basel Chapter

I’m a Vermont voter living in Sierentz, France, near the border with Basel. I’ve lived abroad since 2009 and have been in the greater Basel area since 2013.

It’s important to make our voices heard on the issues we care about, be it at the ballot box or through other forms of activism. I’m glad I discovered Democrats Abroad, which helps me and other US citizens living abroad to do just that.

Being involved in the Basel chapter has been a wonderful way to meet like-minded people and help my fellow US citizens vote and make their voices heard in US politics. The importance of this engagement has never been clearer than over the last years, when the Trump administration and the Republican party began an unprecedented attack on American democracy.

It was incredible seeing and helping so many Americans living abroad make their voices heard in 2020, helping to push back against these anti-democratic forces. I hope that I can help maintain and strengthen that engagement going into the 2022 mid-term elections and beyond as Vice Chair here in Basel.

You can email me at [email protected].

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