Andrew Tucker

Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) Voting Representative

In the USA I volunteered for multiple foundations, organizations, and causes. My husband and I moved to the Netherlands in 2019 and we are loving it. I started volunteering for DA in 2019 shortly after I started living abroad. In 2020 I was appointed to the Democrats Abroad Netherlands Executive Committee in the Member At Large position. In 2023 I was honored to have been elected and am currently serving as your DPCA (Democratic Party Committee Abroad) Voting Representative. Representing DANL's Members on the global level. 

I am proud to be a volunteer with Democrats Abroad because they have the noble mission of registering and getting out the vote of Americans living abroad. As well as fighting for other rights that all Americans have no matter where in the world we live. Voting is not a privilege, it a right! Every American, 18 years old or older (by election day), should be exercising this right. Some states make it hard for citizens to vote, they do this on purpose to deter us from voting. Do not let this happen to you! Democrats Abroad is here to fight, not just for your voting rights, but for all issues concerning Americans living abroad. Some of these issues are taxation without representation, human rights, and Environmental protections.  I look forward to many years of fruitful volunteer work with Democrats Abroad in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Top issues: Environmental protections, LGBTQ+ rights, Women's rights, Gun control, and Human rights.
LATEST BY Andrew Tucker