May 19, 2020


How do I vote from Canada?

Overseas Americans have had the right to vote in Federal elections since 1975. Each state has different procedures and deadlines so note that information distribution may be difficult, and mail delivery times can be problematic.

Congress passed important legislation both protecting and facilitating overseas citizens' ability to vote. Online registration tools like Vote From Abroad at have made it even easier to send the yearly request for ballot required by the law. 


Where can I obtain information about tax filing requirements for U.S. citizens abroad?

Democrats Abroad has an active Taxation Task Force

The Chapter wills also host educational seminars on taxation and investment seminars. Check Upcoming Events below for future seminars.


How can I become involved as a Chapter member?

There are a variety of events that you can become involved in.  If you have an interest in getting members to vote you can join the Get Out the Vote Campaign (GOTV). This is the Chapter’s priority at this point. This will require some training, but we welcome any help from the Chapter members. The more the merrier.

If you would like to participate or help plan social activities and events with the Chapter, please contact the Chair.  We welcome your ideas and participation.