Tuesday, March 05

Barcelona, Spain

2024 Global Presidential Primary - Super Tuesday

On Super Tuesday -- March 5, 2024 -- Americans in many states will cast their votes in the presidential primary. Here in Barcelona, Democrats Abroad is hosting an official Democratic party presidential primary election for overseas voters. Chapter members who have not voted for a presidential candidate in their state primary elections get to cast a vote for one of the two candidates who have qualified to appear on our ballot.* This primary is open to all DA members. If you are not yet a member, you can join at this event.
To learn more about DA's Global Presidential Primary, see this page
This is a once-in-four-year opportunity to:
  • mark a paper ballot and drop it into a physical ballot box
  • network with other Barcelona-based Democrats
  • get help from our expert volunteers, who will be on hand to help you use www.votefromabroad.org request your overseas absentee ballots for all 2024 elections, and help you join DA if you're not yet a member
  • learn about DA Barcelona volunteer activities and how to get involved  
Bring your kids and show them how US democracy works. We will have kid-friendly activities just for them! 
*Please note that voting in the Democrats Abroad presidential primary, even if you feel like the outcome is a foregone conclusion, is important because the number of DA votes in the primary determines how much of a voice we have in the Democratic Party at large. Please also note that voting in our primary means that you cannot vote for a presidential candidate in your state primary back home. You can, of course, vote for all the downballot primary candidates running in that election.


Tuesday, March 05, 2024 at 04:30 PM Madrid Time


ESERP Business School
Carrer de Girona 24
Barcelona 08010
Google map and directions


Annie Graul

Will you come?

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

22 RSVPs