Saturday, June 08

Barcelona, Spain

Book Group Meeting - Saving Democracy: A User's Manual for Every American

The book group is meeting in June to discuss Saving Democracy: A User's Manual for Every American by David Pepper. 

Goodreads has this to say about it:

"Laboratories of Autocracy walked through the hidden breadth, depth, and intensity of the countrywide attack on democracy. The final chapters outlined thirty steps necessary to fight back. One of the most common responses from readers was—“I skipped to the end. I wanted to get to the solutions.”

Saving Democracy is the companion book that skips to the
—It details how we all can and must play a role in saving democracy at this fraught time.
—It explains how all levels of the pro-democracy side, from national political leaders to grassroots activists to everyday Americans, must switch to offense.
—It explains how to stay on offense and win on offense. Immediately, and everywhere."


David was a guest in our own La Lucha Continúa series last year to speak about Laboratories of Autocracy. The meeting will be at the Backstory English Bookshop, a new bookstore owned by two Americans.


Saturday, June 08, 2024 at 03:30 PM Madrid Time


Backstory English Bookshop
Barcelona 08037
Google map and directions


Catherine Ellen Dexter