June 03, 2019

Vote on Line for the New DA Russia Board or Attend the General Meeting to Vote.

Upcoming Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4 at 19:30, to elect people to the Executive Council of DA Russia and discuss current events.  This meeting is open to registered members of Democrats Abroad Russia.  You should have received an email with the location.

If you attend the AGM, you will be able to vote in person. However, if you cannot attend, you can vote via Survey Monkey up to one hour before the start of the AGM at the following link:


Nominations to Executive Council

The following persons have been nominated for the following offices, and we will be voting on their election:

Chairperson: Guy Archer

Vice-chairperson: Carolyn Wieland

Secretary: Marian Dent

Counsel: Amy Kouznetsova

There will also be an opportunity to write-in candidates for the above offices and for Treasurer.
