November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving Party

Democrats had a lot to be thankful for this year--we won a majority in the House of Representatives, and we now have some breathing room AND someone who can do their job in Congress by investigating the accusations against the President and hold him accountable if it is shown he acted illegally. 

Democrats from throughout Tokyo and its environs met up at Two Dogs Taproom at Roppongi to celebrate our holiday and discuss politics and the things we are thankful for. 

We also presented Sherry Miyasaka with the Volunteer of the Year award for her varied and extensive volunteer efforts on DAJ's behalf. Besides helping plan and set up the Global Meeting in May, Sherry was crucial to the Get Out the Vote efforts. She joined other volunteers to attend various events and hand out voter registration materials, and she made more then 1000 calls asking DA members worldwide to vote. 

Linda Gould was also presented with a certificate of appreciation for her volunteer work on the Global Meeting and as Kanto Chair.

Enjoy the holidays, then join us for activities, events and actions in 2019 to prepare for the next election.

Happy holidays! 
