September 23, 2018

We Stand in Solidarity with the Women Coming Forward With Their Sexual Assault Stories

On September 25, join us in an act of solidarity with the women accusers. At any time during the morning, post a photo of yourself or the attached photo to any of your social media accounts with #BELIEVESURVIVORS. Include the message "I Stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford and all women around the world who speak up against sexual assault." Please also include the hashtag #democratsabroadjapan.

The GOP did what they could to discredit Christine Blasey Ford. She stood strong, and though there is not yet an investigation into her allegations, she will get to testify at a hearing.

Now there are two more women who have come forward with their stories. There is a former girlfriend of Mike Judge's who has verified the wild parties attended during the time they were in high school. There is a Yale colleague who claims she was told that Kavanaugh likes women who look like models to clerk for him.

We don't know what happened. But we stand with those who have gone public with their stories, and at the minimum, demand an investigation into these allegations before the man is put in a position to rule on cases that affect our futures.
