We need your help this week. You can really make a difference!
- The Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act, seeks to modernize U.S. tax policy by creating an elective system of residence-based taxation, allowing ordinary Americans living overseas to file taxes based on their country of residence rather than their citizenship. Importantly, it includes strong guardrails to prevent abuse while addressing the financial and tax discrimination that has burdened millions of overseas Americans.
- This legislation represents a major milestone in our fight for fairer tax treatment and underscores the growing recognition of the challenges faced by Americans abroad.
Now, we need to raise the awareness of every Member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor the bill when Congress reopens next year to help fix the tax problems commonly experienced by Americans abroad. This will only take you an estimated 10 minutes, and it is much easier than you think!
Step 1: Find your House Representative’s phone number
- Click here and search for your last U.S. address or your U.S. voting address, or your parents' last U.S. address if you have never lived in the U.S.
- Note their Washington D.C. phone numbers (area code 202).
Step 2: Call their office!
When the receptionist answers, read the following script:
Hi, my name is [name], I am a constituent living in [your country]. Can you ask Representative [your rep's name] to co-sponsor the Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act?
Then pause, and write down what they say. You can then follow up by telling your own personal story (see suggestions here).
Conclude the call by asking for the person's name and email address. Send a polite follow-up email to the person after you speak with them saying the following:
Thank you for your time speaking on the phone just now. As discussed, I would appreciate it if you could ask Congress[wo]man [your rep's name] if they will co-sponsor the Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act. This bill will be life changing for me and the 9 million Americans living abroad. I will follow up again in a week if I've not heard from you before then.
Be sure to set an alarm to follow up with the person you spoke to the following week. We see a huge increase in success with people sending follow-up emails after a phone call.
- Call during Washington D.C. office hours (9 am to 5 pm ET, weekdays) to increase your chances of success.
- After three unsuccessful attempts with no one answering the phone, leave a voicemail if available. If you leave a voicemail, simply call back as a follow-up 2-3 days later. If you need assistance, email us, and we’ll do our best to try to assist you.
- Minimum credit (usually about $5) can get you connected through any Internet device to reduce costs if you cannot make an international call.
Email us to tell us the name of the person you spoke to and what they said. If you receive a written response, please forward the email to us as well.
Direct message your Representative or tag them in a post on your preferred social media platform(s) using this example:
I am a constituent living in [your country]. Since you represent many #AmericansAbroad, will you please co-sponsor the Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act? Co-sponsoring this bill will demonstrate your commitment to supporting your constituents abroad!
Please reach out to your House Representative on social media IN ADDITION to calling! The more they hear from you, the better!
Thank you so much for helping us with this very important work!
- If you have any questions on this action, please click here to email us.
- Feel free to share this webpage with anyone you think is interested in advocating for the rights of Americans abroad!
Example 1
Hi, my name is John, and I’m calling as your constituent from White Plains. I want to share how citizenship-based taxation has devastated my small business.
I moved to Denmark 20 years ago to study, and then I met the love of my life and put down roots there. I started a small business, but I was forced to liquidate it because of the GILTI tax and the transition tax imposed on overseas Americans. These rules taxed income that I never actually received, crippling my ability to compete in the local market and run my business.
I’m asking you to please co-sponsor the "Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act" to end this harmful policy. Americans living abroad shouldn’t be punished for trying to make an honest living. Thank you for your time and attention.
Example 2
Hi, my name is Kathy, and I’m a constituent from Falls Church. I’d like to tell you how citizenship-based taxation is hurting Americans like me.
I moved to the United Kingdom to be closer to my husband’s family. We already pay very high taxes here in the UK and because of the U.S. tax system’s overlapping rules, this has left us with limited ability to save for retirement or our children’s education because we’re double taxed. This has made it nearly impossible to build financial security.
I urge you to co-sponsor the "Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act" to bring fairness to the tax system for Americans abroad. Thank you for considering this important issue.
Example 3
Hi, my name is Keanu, and I’m calling as one of your constituents from Anaheim. I want to share how citizenship-based taxation has negatively affected my career.
I’ve lived in Spain for 15 years when my company sent me abroad on a 2-year work assignment. a I loved it so much, I ended up staying. I now have a wife and kids here, but I still vote and I still go back home to visit family every year.
Because of the expensive and burdensome U.S. tax filing requirements, foreign companies are hesitant to hire Americans. I’ve lost job opportunities because employers don’t want to deal with the IRS’s complex reporting rules. This has severely limited my career growth.
I respectfully ask that you co-sponsor the "Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act" to end citizenship-based taxation and give Americans abroad the opportunity to thrive. Thank you for your time.