Wednesday, May 29
[May 29th] Online Phonebanking Training/Call Together
Help us phonebank our members to make sure they are ready to vote in November! Join us online, and we will provide training for the first hour to those who still need it. And we invite current phonebankers to join the second hour to phonebank "together". We will run through updates and troubleshooting tips, and then keep the zoom open for questions as people phonebank individually from their homes. A virtual campaign office! Existing phonebanker? Make sure to re-activate your Call Hub log-in. New to phonebanking? We'll get you set up with a log-in after training. Any questions, contact Tom Hunersen at [email protected]
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 06:00 PM London Time
This is a virtual event. See the event description above or RSVP for virtual participation options.
Tom Hunersen
[email protected]