Thursday, September 12
Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic of
ZOOM CALL: Dems Abroad in Africa GOTV Training & Strategy Call
We are hosting a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Training & Strategy Call for any interested leaders, volunteers and members of Democrats Abroad in Africa for the 2024 Election.
This training will focus on the best practices of Get Out The Vote, and will include a workshop about which of the best practices can be applied to voter registration, ballot return, and party building on the continent.
If you have attended or completed Voter Assistance Trainings or other Democrats Abroad trainings, you are HIGHLY encouraged to attend.
Intended Takeaways
- How to use your networks and tools to promote voter registration and ballot return to American citizens.
- How to measure impact and coordinate strategies between each other.
- Building party infrastructure while also getting out the vote in 2024.
Background about the Facilitator
Keith Brannum is a professional Democratic Party campaigns for over 10 years. He managed legislative and congressional candidate campaigns across states such as Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia and New York. I have also been a party fundraising director in Michigan and Georgia. For Democrats Abroad, Keith currently serves as the Non-Country Committee Representative for Europe the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), in addition to Country Lead for the committee in formation in Türkiye.
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 08:00 PM Nairobi Time
Keith Brannum