March 21, 2022

🇩🇪 Turning Germany Blue - Volunteer with DAG 🇺🇸

We're building a grassroots organization of U.S. Democrats all over Germany. We were able to grow and build a strong volunteer base in 2020, but there is still room to grow. We will need to turn out in 2024 and sustain the momentum necessary to protect and improve our democracy. Democrats Abroad is an organization run entirely by volunteers, and the time you give, in any amount, contributes to meaningful progress. Below you'll find opportunities to join our volunteer community at the national and local level. Whether you have a specific skill set, an area of expertise, or are just looking for any way to get involved, your help is welcome and very much appreciated. 

Will you join us? 

Follow the links below to find opportunities to volunteer locally or from anywhere. 

Volunteer Anywhere

Volunteer Locally

DAG runs on 100% volunteer power, and we always need more people to keep our chapters and precincts going. Click on your chapter to view current volunteering opportunities in your area. This list is continually being updated, so make sure to check back regularly if you do not find anything you're interested in.

Berlin Region

Cologne-Bonn Region

Düsseldorf-Ruhr Region

Frankfurt and Greater Hessen

Göttingen-Hannover Region

Hamburg and Northern Germany

Heidelberg-Rhine-Neckar Region

Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region

Münster-Osnabrück-Bielefeld Region

Munich and Southern Bavaria


Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany

Wiesbaden-Mainz Region