March 09, 2021

Call for Candidates Extended to March 15, 2021

Call For Candidates/Nominations Period Extended to March 15, 2021

Contact Election Officer Ann-Marie Pelosky
[email protected]

March 20, 2021 @ 1PM
RSVP here

(* Position is required, per the DA France Bylaws)

The Chapter Chair* is the chief executive officer of the chapter, shall call and preside at all meetings of members, and shall lead the direction of the Chapter Executive Committee. The Chair shall establish the agenda of such meetings, and shall be responsible for carrying out and directing the programs, policies, and activities duly approved by the members and the Normandy Chapter Executive Committee.

The Chapter Chair is ex-officio also a voting member of the DA France National Executive Committee, and is the primary Officer responsible for representing the Chapter at regular National Executive Committee meetings; and shall attend them or designate a proxy to the National Secretary to the extent practicable, including presenting a brief monthly report of Chapter or Caucus activities to the National ExCom. If the Chair is not present at a National ExCom meeting, and the Vice Chair is present, the Vice Chair automatically carries the vote and represents the Chapter (no proxy designation is required.) The Chair and Vice-Chair may, with the advice of the other Officers, allocate between themselves the duties of the Chair as they see fit.

The Chair, or any Officer delegated by the Chair, is entitled to attend all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, with full voting privileges. Decisions or actions taken by the Chair may be overruled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Committee. 

The Chapter Vice Chair shall assist and support the Chair in the matters related to execution of the Chair’s duties, and shall, in the absence of the Chair call and preside at meetings of members and of the Chapter Executive Committee. The Chapter Vice Chair is invited to attend National Executive Committee meetings to the extent practicable, and shall, in absence of the Chapter Chair, automatically carry the vote and representation of the Chapter to the National ExCom (no proxy need be designated). In addition to the shared responsibilities of the Chapter Chair allocated to the Chapter Vice-Chair, if the office of Chapter Chair shall become vacant, the Chapter Vice-Chair shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair. 

The Chapter Secretary* shall assist and support the Chair in matters related to keeping records and minutes of Chapter Executive Committee meetings; of Annual General and Special Meetings of Chapter members;  and in managing the database of its members. The Secretary shall maintain and safeguard all files and administrative records of the Chapter. The Chapter Secretary shall, along with the Chapter Chair, help ensure that timely notification of elections taking place within the Chapter, and their results, as well as any administrative matters related to the functioning of the Chapter, are duly communicated to the National Secretary.

(Duties include database management of members, sending email blasts, and making updates to the Normandy Chapter website. Free training on the software needed to perform these tasks is available and ongoing IT support is available.)

Members-At-Large shall assist and support the Chapter or Caucus Chair in duties and responsibilities that are not fixed but instead may vary according to the needs of the Chapter or Caucus. The Chapter or Caucus Member at Large will collaborate with other leaders, as well as counterparts at National and Global levels, accordingly.


Candidates should be members of Democrats Abroad France, US citizens 18 years or older, living in the Normandy/Hauts de France Chapter Region from the time of their nomination, and be able to serve a full term of two years. Every eligible member with interest, ability, conviction and ideas is encouraged to run. Previous organizing experience is welcome but not necessary. To join Democrats Abroad, go here:


You may nominate yourself, be nominated by someone else, or you may nominate others for an executive officer position for the Normandy Chapter. To make a nomination, please email the Election Officer Ann-Marie Pelosky at [email protected] with the name of the person and the position for which they are being nominated. (If you are nominating another person, please put that person on copy of your email.) A member of the Election Board will follow up. Nominees are asked to prepare a short statement of no more than 200 words regarding their candidacy. Final candidate statements should be submitted by March 15. Candidates should be prepared to attend the Leadership Elections on March 20th (via Zoom) at 6PM and to speak for their candidacy.


Contact Election Officer Ann-Marie Pelosky at [email protected]

Thank you!

Normandy Chapter Election Board
Ann-Marie Pelosky, Election Officer
Marjorie Bernstein
Ada Shen