Annual General Meeting
Democrats Abroad Luxembourg
May 12, 2020
The Annual General Meeting of members will be held on Tuesday, May 12th at 7 pm online with WebEx to consider and act upon the following matters:
Approval of minutes of the last General Meeting
Report from the Chair
Executive Committee
Treasurer’s Report
Primary Election Results
Plans for 2020
New Business, Ideas and Announcements
Every member is invited to attend the meeting in person. In the event that you will be unable to attend, you may send an emailed proxy, containing the following text, to DA Luxembourg Chair Natalie Bachiri before May 11th: [email protected]
“I, (Name) hereby designate (Name), a registered member of Democrats Abroad Luxembourg, to represent me at the Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad Luxembourg on May 12, 2020, and to vote on my behalf on any matter on the agenda. (Date).”
“I, (Name) hereby designate (Name), a registered member of Democrats Abroad Luxembourg, to represent me at the Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad Luxembourg on May 12, 2020, and to vote on my behalf on any matter on the agenda. (Date).”
Details on attending the meeting online with WebEx have been sent to our members. If you have not received it and would like to attend the meeting send an e-mail to Chair Natalie Bachiri at [email protected] to receive WebEx links.