Thursday, August 31


DA RTF August 2023 Meeting

The Democrats Abroad Reparations Task Force is dedicated to tackling economic, racial, and political injustice head on. Join us as we fight to keep the Biden Administration accountable to its own promises to address racial disparities. We will use the momentum to not only support federal reparative justice efforts, but state and local. 

On August 31st at 1 p.m. Eastern US Time / 7 p.m. Central European Time, we will be discussing recent developments in the US reparations movement, ongoing successes in reparations activism/advocacy, and further opportunities to get involved.

Our agenda will include the following:

§ Greetings and RTF News 
§ Reflections on GBC and ProDA News
§ DA RTF Officer Reports (for tasks completed)
§ Campaign and Liason Reports (for tasks completed)
§ DA Africa Outreach / AP-region Outreach


Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Antar Keith
[email protected]

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If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

12 RSVPs