Monday, August 22


Maryland State Team Organizing Meeting

Are you a Maryland voter abroad interested in organizing for change both for GOTV and at the state-level? 

There are many opportunities to have an impact! Even if you don’t have a lot of time to spare - every little bit helps. From voter outreach and assistance to event planning and support, it’s all hands on deck to ensure that every overseas voter can cast all the ballots for which they are eligible this midterm year.    

We’ll be organizing “Meet the Candidates” events, Action Hours, and phone banking throughout the 2022 election season. In addition, we are following developments in voting legislation and redistricting back home. As a team, we’ll be sharing our experiences, our knowledge of the process of voting from abroad, and other state-specific election information that has a real impact in the 2022 election. 

RSVP below for our August 22nd organizing meeting!

Please note: Connection details will be sent out about 12 hours before the meeting starts. Please email [email protected] directly with questions!


Monday, August 22, 2022 at 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


DA Maryland State Team
[email protected]