DA France Bordeaux candidates
Jamie Perosi-Doughty - candidate for Bordeaux chapter Chair
I have been Chair for the past two years, and what an experience it has been! I’ve learned a lot, especially in terms of the inner workings, and relationships between the various chapters and our direct relationship with the National and Global levels. This is why I’m hoping that you will elect me for another term, so I can continue to grow, and use what I’ve learned to help our chapter grow and support the democratic message here and abroad. The next two years are going to be rough, and I want to help lead!
I look forward to growing, and learning with you, and hope to ensure that the organization remains strong, active, and a voice for Americans in Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Virginia COULON - candidate for Bordeaux chapter Secretary
I have lived in Bordeaux since the early 70’s. Bordeaux is where I have made my home and my children were born. It’s the place I finished graduate studies and was employed (in the language department of the University of Bordeaux Faculté de Droit et Sciences Economiques). For the last 2 years I have been the Vice-Chair of DAF-Bordeaux and, during my tenure, acquired skills that are well suited to the position of Secretary that I am now declaring my candidacy for. I know how to send email blasts to Bordeaux chapter members, manage the Bordeaux membership files and post on the DAF national web page. This means that as Chapter Secretary I can be effective as of Day One. I also want to do as much as I can to help reinforce democratic principles and basic rights in the United States which continue to be sorely tested: the right to vote, women’s reproductive rights, minority and gender rights, the right to be safe from gun violence, and, for Americans living abroad, the right to fair taxation!
Trudy Hoffmann Bolter - candidate for Bordeaux chapter Treasurer
Daughter of a trust-busting Roosevelt-era-government lawyer. I’ve been a Democrat forever. I was leader of the formation in 2007 of DAF Bordeaux chapter, its first Chair (for three terms) but I have also served as vice-chair and multi-term Treasurer.
In this capacity I carefully guard our modest sum of money but also conduct a monthly discussion group, the Bordeaux Chapter Politico-Culture Chat (open to every DAF member). For each meeting, a theme is chosen and prepared with readings and viewing. Next up: American gun mania.
I am married to William Bolter, an English wine merchant, and we have two fabulous daughters. Professeure de universités émérite at Sciences Po Bordeaux, for several years until the lockdown I gave a series of lectures at Mollat in cooperation with Utopia on current examples of film, my research field.
I feel very much at home in France, and this is compatible with a strong permanent attachment to our country, and to the liberal Democrat ideals of my family.
Women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, immigration, ecology, health care, dangerous right-wingers and lethal arms are problems requiring solutions, shared beyond America. I hope that problem-solving Democrats may light the way ahead for everyone and I am eager to help in the 2024 election.
Paola del Carmen Flores - Candidate for Bordeaux Communications Coordinator
My name is Paola del Carmen Flores and I am the former secretary of the Bordeaux Chapter. I am honored to submit my candidacy for the position of Communications Coordinator 2023-2025 for our Bordeaux Chapter.
My interest in our Bordeaux community has led me to imagine this position as the best way for me to contribute in a more direct way with our fellow Democrats. Whether I communicate important news, articles, interviews, or our awesome get-togethers, I have the intention to help keep our community updated, informed and running!
One of the ways I envision my position is communicating via social media, which I feel can get quite polluted in today’s busy world, and thus, I see the need to untangle the web of information.
If I were to be elected, I pledge to abide by our principles and keep our community’s communications above all friendly and a safe place to exchange.
All members of the DAF Bordeaux Chapter may vote in the leadership elections. The elections will be decided by a plurality of votes (the candidate who gets the most votes in the election wins). DAF does not accept proxy votes. The ballot includes a space for write-in candidates for all positions.
New members are welcome to join and vote. To join: www.democratsabroad.org/join. You must be a US citizen 18 years of age or older by Nov. 7, 2023. New members may join up until the day before the election.
Thank you for voting!
DAF Bordeaux Chapter Election Board