Friday, May 26


Meet the Candidates for DA International Chair and Vice Chair

Candidates’ Forum

Please join us for a Global Candidates’ Forum hosted by DA France, DA Germany, DA Spain and DA UK, providing an opportunity for the candidates for DA International Chair and Vice Chair to meet the DPCA voters and answer questions. All DPCA Voting Representatives (including CC Chairs and Vice Chairs) are invited to attend, as well as any DA member. The session will be moderated by the Chairs of the 4 hosting Country Committees, and will be recorded and made available after the event. 

The 2-hour session will be in 3 parts: 

  1. Brief speeches by all candidates for the Chair position, then Vice Chair position, in random order. (Around 30 minutes, depending on the number of candidates attending). 
  2. A series of questions which all the candidates for the Chair position will be invited to answer briefly in random order; then another series of questions for the candidates for the Vice Chair position. All DPCA Voting Representatives from any CC are invited to send us your questions. To submit a question for the candidates, please fill in this form. The questions will be chosen by the 4 hosting CC Chairs from among those received. (Around 1 hour). 
  3. An open Q/A period for questions directed to specific candidates via the chat. (Around 30 minutes).

We hope to see you there!

Friday, May 26, 1:30 PM Eastern, via Zoom

Contact: [email protected]


Friday, May 26, 2023 at 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Online Event (RSVP for zoom info)
Washington 20003
United States
Google map and directions


Hosted by DA France, DA Germany, DA Spain and DA UK
[email protected]

117 RSVPs