We will hold our 2016 Annual General Meeting next week:
Date: Thursday 17 March 2106
Time: 7pm
Place: 53B Grange Road, #11-02 Spring Grove Singapore 249567
Please join us - in person or by proxy (see below) to share your thoughts about what Democrats Abroad Lion City can do this year to inform and engage Americans in Singapore to vote blue in the 2016 elections. If you cannot attend then please proxy your attendance to another member, which will ensure we reach a quorum for conducting our business.
We hope to see you next week on Thursday!
Democratically yours,
Executive Committee, Democrats Abroad Lion City Committee
Lance DuBos, Chair - [email protected]
Beth Hollahan, Vice Chair - [email protected]
Holly Kreutter, Secretary - [email protected]
Jeff Watkins, Counsel - [email protected]
ExCom members at large
Patricia Reed - [email protected]
David White - [email protected]
Carmelan Polce - [email protected]