Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our campaign in support of a switch from our current system of Citizenship Based Taxation to Residency Based Taxation by calling, message or writing to Congress. If you have yet to do so, or feel compelled to reach out to your elected representatives again, this guide has all the information you need.
If you're not sure what Residency Based Taxation is and so are not sure whether you should act in support of this campaign then we encourage you to examine our Residency Based Taxation Frequently Asked Questions. And if you still have questions please contact us at [email protected].
Our campaign in support of an urgent remedy for American business owners abroad who face TWO NEW TAXES because of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act carries on. This was a horrific drafting error made because of the extreme haste with which Congressional Republicans drafted and passed the 2017 tax law. Our discussions with Congress the first week of May suggests the law contains HUNDREDS of such errors! We need as many voices as possible drawing attention to this one so that, should the Republicans get their act together and introduce a "corrections bill" to make these many fixes, that an exemption for Americans abroad from these crushing new taxes is included. Whether you are the owner of a controlled foreign corporation or not, please click here to send a message to lawmakers and regulators who can implement a fix.
You can sign up for regular updates from the DA Taxation Task Force here.