July 01, 2020

Donate to Democrats Abroad Germany

We are 100% volunteer-run — we have no paid staff or consultants and no offices. Our mission is to find and mobilize the more than 120,000 Americans living in Germany to vote. In 2016, it is estimated that only 17% of Americans in Germany actually voted. In that election year, we calculated that every Euro spent resulted in 3 new members/voters. Awareness of DA Germany and our mission is key!

In 2020, we were able to be the margin of victory in a number of races thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and the numerous donations we received. We are already working to prepare for 2022 and its clear how important it will be for Democrats to maintain control of the Senate and House of Representatives. While we have little overhead, we do have costs for activities like mailings, phone banking, advertising, software, etc.

Please join us and donate to turn out the American vote in Germany for Democrats!

Account Name: Democrats Abroad Germany
IBAN: DE04 5405 0220 0140 2702 99


Become a Sustaining Monthly Donor

For as little as €5.00 per month, you can ensure that DA Germany has the foundation we need to stay focused on our mission instead of spending our time fundraising to pay our bills. To schedule a direct deposit donation, please set up a “Dauerauftrag” from your German bank account using our account information below. We gladly accept donations in greater amounts!

Make a One-Time Donation

To make a one-time donation, please use our bank information (Euros) or mailing address (US Dollars) below to do so. If you are donating to a specific campaign (for example, Dialing for Democracy), please indicate that under "Verwendungszweck".

Donate for Merchandise

We have swag! Our merchandise program also helps fund our voter outreach and education programs.

Thank you for your support!