May 23, 2020


Bienvenido Democrats Abroad - Valencia!

Welcome to DA-Valencia (DAV), the official arm of the Democratic Party for American Democrats living in the Valencian Region of Spain.

MISSION: To provide relevant information about candidates and issues that affect democratic-leaning expats. Chapter activities are designed to facilitate the meeting of new people of like-mind people in fun-filled social, political and community events that show a positive image of the US and US expats living in Valencia.

Together with DA country committees around the globe, we're advocating for overseas Americans on Capitol Hill and joining friends and family in the US and in Spain in important activism campaigns. With technology and social media, there are many ways for us to make our voices heard, even an ocean away.

VOTING: US Citizens living abroad need to register to vote EVERY YEAR. We can assist with your voter registration and with securing and filing your ballot(s). 

Voter Reg/Ballot Request

JOIN THE FUN: Members are notified of all the activities of the Valencian chapter and are kept informed about local and national US issues as well as those that expats face while living in Spain. To join this dynamic group, simply Click Here.  We will contact you after receiving your information.

We rely on volunteers to ensure members and friends are informed about local and national US issues as well as those that expats face while living in Spain.

Watch this space for upcoming announcements of meetings and events. We have events planned throughout the year and encourage anyone interested in participating and helping with Democrats Abroad Valencia to let us know of your interest.

Please share your questions, ideas, and enthusiasm with us!

We look forward to meeting you very soon!

Your DA Leadership Team,

Christopher Schwandt, Chair
Catherine Cleaver, Vice Chair
Georgie Grossman, Secretary
Peter Smith, Treasurer

For more information email us at:
To contact DA Valencia just click here

Dems Abroad Facebook page