Thursday, May 23


Phonebank Together


Picture of statue of liberty on a cell phone along with the text phonebank together

Interested in helping make a difference in this year’s critical elections? DA France’s phonebanking team is calling DA France members to remind them to register and request their ballots this year, both for the primaries and for November. Join our phonebanking team!

The team is holding regular online phonebanking sessions via Zoom. Phonebanking is easy and free, and you can do it from your home computer. We’re calling our own members who have opted in to receiving calls, so it’s not cold calling. In our online sessions, we’ll gather in a Zoom meeting for support and solidarity, have a short refresher about calling, and then mute ourselves and all make calls at the same time. Come join the team, helping us get out the vote this critical election year!

Please take the brief training and receive your access code before the event, even if you’ve already phonebanked with DA (some features have changed), so that you’re ready to go. And if you’ve never phonebanked before, no problem, just take the training in advance. We’ll have a short refresher at the beginning of the session for those who need it, and experienced phonebankers will be there to answer any questions. 

Where: Via Zoom (Link will be sent upon rsvp'ing)


6:00 - 7:00 pm

Other Dates in May:

Wednesday, May 29


Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 06:00 PM Paris Time


This is a virtual event. See the event description above or RSVP for virtual participation options.


Susan Fitoussi