Heidelberg - Karlsruhe Precinct Captain

The KA Precinct Captain is mainly responsible for organizing a dinner meeting once a quarter. This means booking the restaurant, deciding what to discuss, or maybe invite a guest speaker , and communicating to the Heidelberg Chair in time for this information to be sent out to members. Additionally but not essentially, it would be nice to try and motivate local members to take part in activities like an Info Stand, or help spread the word about DA around Karlsruhe and its universities (we have ready-made material for this). Extra events could be calling for a movie night, Thanksgiving dinner, 4th of July BBQ, reading group, etc. depending on interest.

This person should be comfortable contacting people and leading a discussion (or finding someone else to do this), and an ability to follow up on ideas.

Time Commitment: A few hours per quarter for meetings, plus some preparation for discussion (HD Chair can help with that); any additional activities would require planning time for each activity.

Contact Person: Nancy Schimkat, [email protected]