September 05, 2022

This midterm election is important! Are you ready to Vote from Abroad?

Or maybe you're all set to vote and want to talk to other Americans about what's going on.

Come on out this Thursday, September 8th.  Members of DA Valencia will be at Saltimbocca, Placa de Vannes 7, from 4:00-6:00 pm to help you register and request ballots and answer questions about voting.  Remember, as Americans abroad we need to get our ballots marked and mailed early.  By law, UOCAVA, expats should receive their ballots 45 days before the election.  A quick turnaround will ensure your vote is received before your state's deadline.

Tell your friends and come on out!

PS: if you're looking for a more centrally located Voter Support event DA Valencia will be joining DA Global in a world-wide Vote from Abroad celebration by hosting an event from 12:00-2:00pm on September 17th at Velluters, Carrer de l'Hospital 4.