2023 Annual General Meeting and Officer Elections
DA Ireland’s Annual General Meeting will be held in-person and online on Saturday, May 20th at 2 p.m. at the Arlington Hotel in City Center Dublin. All DA-Ireland members are welcome to participate in the elections and join the meeting. We especially hope to see many of our members who live outside of Dublin and may not normally attend the AGM!
At the meeting we'll present brief reports on 2022 and discuss plans for the upcoming year. Most importantly, there will also be an Elections Meeting to elect an Executive Committee for the 2023-2025 term (see 2023 Election of Officers).
DA Ireland is required by our By-Laws to hold an Annual General Meeting prior to June 30th of each year. We also have a quorum requirement to make the meeting valid. Please help us meet these challenges by joining the AGM in-person or online!
Your participation, activism, and donations have made Democrats Abroad Ireland a strong and vital organization for more than twenty six years. In 2023, we’ll continue working to strengthen the voice and vote of all our members.
Please RSVP for the meeting on our events page HERE by May 19th. You will receive a confirmation email with the address and the meeting link in case you want to join online.
Thank you for your support,
– DA Ireland Executive Committee
2023 Election of Officers
Elections for the 2023-25 DAA Executive Committee will be both online and in person. Members voting online may cast their electronic ballots in advance of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Please note, you may vote electronically in advance of the AGM, as well as during the AGM until the time scheduled for voting concludes. Please take care to sign your ballot with correct information on the Signature portion of the ballot.
During the AGM you will also have an opportunity to meet your representatives and tell them what you would like to see DA Ireland do over the next two years. You can meet other DAA members from around Ireland and hear about their activities, and you'll find out about plans for the 2024 general elections.
If you would prefer to have someone vote your ballot in person by proxy, a proxy can also be requested. Proxy and Election instructions can be found in our bylaws HERE.
Read the Candidate Statements here.
Cast your ballot here: http://forms.gle/XjJ2PjDALp6PdbJ4A
Request your proxy here: http://forms.gle/WSNNB67Zrdwa6bx79
If you have any questions, please contact mailto:[email protected]
— 2023 Nominations and Elections Committee, Democrats Abroad Ireland