- Announcement of Nominations for Executive Committee (ExCom) positions are below! Available candidate statements and an advance ballot for early voting [with instructions] will be distributed via email and posted tomorrow, May 6, 2023 on the DA Ireland website.
- Floor Nominations: ExCom positions which have nominees, per bylaws, will not accept floor nominations. There is one open At-Large position on the ExCom which will be allowed to be nominated from the floor on the day.
- Proxies: If you do not want to vote online (in advance), a proxy can be given to another DA member to enable them to vote on your behalf in person and that is explained briefly below
Thank you to the members who have put themselves forward for a position on the ExCom. The following people have been nominated (and seconded by a DA Ireland member) for positions before the May 3, 2023 pre-election day deadline.
Chair: Patti Shields
Vice Chair: Richard Hartheimer
Treasurer: TJ Mulloy
- Amy McGovern
- Yusuf Toropov
Counsel: Anne Brady
- Jason Fitz-Patrick
- Richie Cunningham
- Francis Stephens
Floor Nominations
DA Ireland's bylaws allow for floor nominations by members in attendance at the election meeting for open Excom positions. At the Elections meeting, the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) will be asking for floor nominations from DA Ireland members who are in attendance at the meeting (both in-person and online).. Seconds will be requested for each nomination by another DA Ireland member. For this election, only one opening for Member-At-Large will be open for floor nominations.
Each person nominated, whether by pre-election day nominations or from the floor, will have the opportunity to make a 1-2 minute statement to the attendees before voting commences. Voting will then take place electronically. Online attendees will get a link to the electronic ballot in the chat section of the Zoom page. In-person technical assistance will also be available in the room. (Also, see Proxies below.)
Year In Review Presentation by Chair Patti Shields
During the vote-counting period (conducted by the NEC with an independent observer), Current DA Chair Patti Shields will share a retrospective on 2023 and plans for how we are preparing for 2024.
ExCom Announced by Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)
At the close of the vote counting period, the NEC will announce the new ExCom. After that, the NEC will pass the meeting to the new Chair, who will chair the Annual General Meeting portion of the meeting.
A note on Proxies
If you choose not to vote remotely and cannot attend the election meeting either in-person or virtually, but you still want to vote on the day, you can use a proxy. Information on proxies are found in our elections bylaws HERE, but will be provided and highlighted along with the advance ballot distribution tomorrow, May 6th via email and will also be found on our website. Voters can only carry 3 votes total, the voter's vote and up to two proxy votes.
Please contact the NEC at ([email protected]) if you have any questions or need help with any election related information!
From the NEC: Kelly Mahoney, Chair, Casey Smyth & Carija Ihus sub-chairs