Friday, May 28

Zoom Online

Jaime Harrison Speaks with Democrats Abroad

Join DNC Chair Jaime Harrison as he toasts former DA Chair Julia Bryan and the rest of the outgoing International Executive Committee, talks to us about the DNC plans for upcoming elections  and the role he sees for Democrats Abroad  and welcomes incoming DA Chair Candice Kerestan and the newly elected 2021-2023 International Executive Committee. Jaime just announced a major new grant program for Democrats Abroad. Hear from him directly why the DNC is investing in DA and why they are confident that we will be a major player in helping Democrats win in 2022 and beyond. The event will be online on Friday, May 28 at 6:30 AM Eastern time (Washington, DC time).

RSVP below to receive the Zoom link  and please help us get a head start on next year's crucial elections by making a special $20.22 donation (or more!). Show Jaime Harrison that we are ready to work and get out the overseas vote! (Donations only from U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents.)

At its Annual Global Meeting from May 14-16, Democrats Abroad elected a new global leadership team as well as new regional leaders, so this is a chance for members to toast the outgoing team for a job well done  tripling the midterm overseas vote in 2018, increasing the 2020 overseas vote by over 50%, helping to win the White House and Congress for Democrats and so much more. And it's a chance to join Chairman Harrison in welcoming the dynamic new team of DA leaders who are already focused on 2021 governor races and the 2022 midterms.

  Thank you, Julia!  Welcome, Candice!  

The event will be online at 6:30 AM Eastern time (yes, AM) on May 28 - and you will receive a Zoom link once you RSVP.

Questions? Please contact Art Schankler at [email protected]. Hope to see you on Friday.



Friday, May 28, 2021 at 06:30 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


275 RSVPs