Jamie Doughty is hosting.
2024-12-16 09:49:10 -0500
Jamie Doughty
DAF-Bordeaux Chair
Born in Saratoga Springs, raised in Jersey, but Bordelais de coeur! I hold a PhD in American political philosophy from the Université Bordeaux Montaigne. I'm interested in politics, philosophy, and wine!
LATEST BY Jamie Doughty
Jamie Doughty donated 2022-09-29 07:50:12 -0400
Jamie Doughty signed 2021-09-22 01:38:14 -0400
The Bordeaux Chapter and 2022 Needs You!
Hello everyone! 2022 is going to be a make or break year for Democrats and for America in general. I know that Midterms are never a fun topic, but I ...
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