Thursday, September 21

Mons, Belgium

Talk With Us pub night, Mons

Citizen Fox - Mons | VisitMons - The Official Tourism ...

Can I buy you a beer Thursday 21 September in Mons and hear your thoughts about the current state of American politics, the best cycling or hiking trips near Mons or just your favorite story of living in Belgium?

It's part of the 2nd Annual Tour de Belgique, my effort as chair of Democrats Abroad Belgium to meet other fellow Democrats and help us prepare for election battles this year and next.  My wife and I will be in Mons THURSDAY 21 SEPT at 6 pm at Citizen Fox, Rue de la Coupe 7, and would love to meet and get to know you. It's not necessary to RSVP, but it will help us prepare for you. So, if you think you can make it, please let us know by clicking below. And, if you know Americans, Belgians or other nationalities who would support Democrats Abroad's efforts to organize US voters in Belgium, please bring them along, as well!

So, come share a beer and your thoughts and stories on Thursday the 21st. We look forward to seeing you!

Trip DuBard, Chair


Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 06:00 PM Brussels Time


Citizen Fox
Rue de la Coupe 7
Mons 7000
Google map and directions


Jeffrey Edison

Will you come?

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If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.