The 2025-27 Executive Committee will be elected at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 2, 2025 and the committee to run elections – Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) – has been established. Thank you to Dan Cook and Louis Rowen for agreeing to serve on the committee.
The NEC needs at least one more person! Interested members should contact Jen Rakow-Stepper, EMEA Regional Vice Chair at [email protected]
The the following positions will be elected:
- Chair
- Executive Vice-Chair
- Vice Chair for Membership (Secretary)
- Vice Chair for Finance (Treasurer)
- Vice Chair for Legal Counsel
- Vice Chair for Social Media
- Vice Chair for Media Relations and Policy
- Vice Chair for Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
- Vice Chair for Fundraising
- At-Large-Members
From the elected Executive Committee, the following positions will be subsequently elected:
- Up to three DPCA Voting Representatives
- Up to three DPCA Non-Voting Representatives
A description of these offices’ responsibilities can be found in the DA Israel’s Bylaws on the Executive Committee here.