Sitges is so much more than one of the a loveliest beach towns in Spain. It is also home to many expats, including many Americans.
Andrea Host-Barth and Karl Barth of Sitges don't want to sit on the sidelines in such an important election year. These Sitges activists reached out to Chris Reilly chair of the Barcelona Chapter to see what they could get going.
They are planning to do a Voter Assistance Center in late February or early March. The idea is to assist folks with voter registration or obtaining their absentee ballot. This time period coincides with the Global Presidential Primary so they can help anyone who wants to participate remotely. If you are interested in learning more please contact Chris at [email protected]
Democrats Abroad Spain is interested in helping Americans in your town to get their Absentee Ballots. The online application is set up for overseas voters.
If you want further information please let us know at: [email protected]