January 24, 2025

2025 Annual General Meeting & Call for Nominations

Volunteer for role to help put Democrats back in office and Save the United States! 

Eligibility: For any position you must be a member of Democrats Abroad Toronto. For the regional positions of Durham, Peel, and York, you must live in that region.

Nomination Deadline: 11:59 ET February 12, 2025 (45 days before the AGM on March 29, 2025)

Nominate yourself or someone else (who has agreed to stand for nomination) at this LINK. You will be asked to include a 300 word or less Candidate Statement. 

Please contact the Nominations and Elections Committee if you require accommodation in submitting your nomination form at [email protected]

Toronto Annual General Meeting & Elections
Date: March 29, 2025
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: On line/Zoom and in person at The Centre for Social Innovation-Spadina, 192 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, M5C 2C2. 
RSVP here to join online
RSVP to join us in person

Please note that members can only serve 2 consecutive two-year terms in the same position (eg. treasurer) however can serve in an alternate position (eg. member-at-large).

The following positions are available as described:

Chapter Chair 
The Chapter Chair shall be the legal representative of Democrats Abroad Toronto as the Chief Executive Officer of the chapter.  The Chapter Chair shall preside at all General Meetings and all meetings of the Board. The Chapter Chair shall have responsibility for the day-to-day activities of Democrats Abroad Toronto and for execution of all activities approved and undertaken by the Board. The Chapter Chair may appoint such ad hoc committees as necessary for the execution of the activities of the chapter, and shall be a voting member of all standing and ad hoc committees. The Chapter Chair is a member of and shall attend meetings of Democrats Abroad Canada. 

Co-Vice Chairs (2)
In the absence of the Chapter Chair, either of the Co-Vice Chairs shall call and preside at meetings of members and of the Board. The Co-Vice Chairs shall have such other duties as chairing one or more committees. The Co-Vice Chairs shall work with the Chair to ensure that all responsibilities approved by and on behalf of the chapter are supervised and executed appropriately. One of the Co-Vice Chairs shall be of a gender different from the gender of the Chair.

The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the chapter, maintain its financial reports to members, and make and maintain such financial reports as may be required by law (including without limitation the laws and regulations of the United States applicable to political parties and contributions to them).  All such records shall be open for inspection by members. The Treasurer shall prepare and present to the Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad Toronto a Statement of Income and Expenses and a Balance Sheet.

The Secretary shall attend and produce minutes for all General, Board, and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall maintain all files and administrative records of the chapter. All of such records shall be open for inspection by members. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the Board once approved by the Chapter Chair and/or either Co-Vice Chair. The Secretary shall schedule and coordinate participation for all Board meetings.

Members-at-Large (eight positions including three regional)
Members-at-Large bring special gifts and talents to the chapter. Members-at-Large should attend all Board meetings and expect stay informed through general emails from Democrats Abroad.  Members-at-Large will work to engage area members by organizing events, such as tax seminars, debate watches, voting centers, phone banking events, pub nights, round tables, movie nights, and speaker nights. Members-at-Large should include a variety of individuals with various skill sets, including database and technology proficiency-especially in Nationbuilder, writing articles for the website, and writing or sending emails.

Member-at-Large Durham Region
The Member-at-Large Durham Region should attend all Board meetings and work to engage Durham area members by hosting events such as tax seminars, debate watches, voting centers, phone banking events, pub nights, round tables, movie nights, and speaker nights.

Member-at-Large Peel Region
The Member-at-Large Peel Region should attend all Board meetings and work to engage Peel area members by hosting events such as tax seminars, debate watches, voting centers, phone banking events, pub nights, round tables, movie nights, and speaker nights.

Member-at-Large York Region
The Member-at-Large York Region should attend all Board meetings and work to engage York area members by hosting events such as tax seminars, debate watches, voting centers, phone banking events, pub nights, round tables, movie nights, and speaker nights.

Nominations and Elections Committee Equity Statement
Democrats Abroad Toronto’s Nominations and Elections Committee will actively work to recognize, develop and promote initiatives that build equity, diversity, and inclusion in the election process, including, but not limited to, removing barriers of race, sex, age, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, and socioeconomic status. These efforts will prioritize actions to ensure that all members are treated in a fair and ethical manner and are supported in their paths to success.  For more information, please contact the committee at [email protected]. 
 “Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem—it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree ... we do not merely seek common ground—we strive to reach higher ground.”