Tuesday, June 11
Athens, Greece
Happy Hour in Athens
Plakaki seems a good fit: good time, good seating, good snacks if you wanted, and music just loud enough for lively chat of a political nature.
So, June finds Athens Happy Hour going back to Plakaki and observing the new 'recurring' date, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6 to 9 p.m.
So, come on out, lift a glass and share your thoughts on issues of the day. There'll be plenty to talk about. Help build the momentum for a landslide victory this November.
No need to RSVP for this one. Just come as you are.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 06:00 PM Athens Time
Plateia Filomousou Eterias 2
Athens, Attiki 10558
Google map and directions
Tyler Boerson, Athens Chapter Chair
[email protected]