LGBTQ+ Equality
What does equality for LGBTQI+ people mean to you?
Federal law does not yet explicitly protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. While many states have anti-discrimination laws on the books, many do not — and protections vary from state to state. This patchwork of state laws means you can face discrimination just by crossing a state border.
The remedy is the Equality Act, first introduced in 1974. The Equality Act would protect LGBTQI+ people from discrimination in housing, public services, education and lending.
We are asking DA members to share their stories about why LGBTQI+ equality matters to them.
To share your story with Congress: Take a selfie, then add your picture and story in the textbox. If you like, you can make a video and send us the url (add the link in the textbox). Your story can be up to 500 words. If you need more words, just add another post.
Please include your Country of Residence, and Voting State at the end of your story. Including your Name is optional.
We'll share these stories with Congressional allies to help them build the support to pass the Equality Act.