Sunday, February 02


Lives of Girls and Women

Lives of Girls and Women, our next Books Abroad selection in honor of Alice Munro, will surprise. A far cry from our last read, Electable? Not really. Yes, it’s literary, yes, it’s a novel. And in its page after page of magnificent and always wow writing we see girls become women and women still bearing the brunt of inequality. 

The time frame is not that long ago for us older ones; the setting is rural, small town Ontario, Canada, but it could be anywhere. Are the girls being prepared to be women, to take their place in society? Are their horizons being opened? 

Lives of Girls and Women may be purchased at your favorite outlet for from

Alice Munro, Nobel Prize winner in literature in 2013, devoted her writing life to girls and women. She examined in every detail how they and we lived and live.  Alice Munro died on May 13th this year.  This is a way we can pay homage to a greatly prolific literary figure. 

Of course we are well aware of the enormous controversy involving Alice Munro’s behavior regarding the sexual molestation of her daughter by her second husband. The age-old conundrum of the artist and her work and her morals, ethics, and positions will certainly be discussed. It is perhaps even more difficult when it’s a question of a woman.


Sunday, February 02, 2025 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


This is a virtual event. See the event description above or RSVP for virtual participation options.


Andrea Host-Barth

29 RSVPs