NSW 2020 Volunteer Campaign Underway!

It’s already September - and that means 2020 will be here before we know it!

At our last chapter meeting, we put the call out for volunteers to help us grow our membership and GOTV for the 2020 elections.  The more prepared we are, the bigger splash we can make in 2020.  Opportunities range from big to small, but key areas for volunteer opportunities include:

1. Event Team Organisers: Looking for organising and planning extraordinaires to help make our local DA events extra special, working with DAA NSW leadership to develop and maintain events, whether it’s canvassing, voter registration drives, or debates watch parties

2. GOTV Team: The more people vote, the more Democrats win, so getting out the vote will be a critical piece of our 2020 work. We’ll be conducting outreach activities throughout the year, ranging from canvassing and tabling at US-focusing events to phone-banking and social media – both to Americans and non-Americans with “Tell An American to Vote.”

3. Study Abroad Team: This team will engage with local students and universities to make sure American students are registered and voting from abroad, through activities like on-campus events or outreach to university/campus/community organisations.

If you couldn’t join us last month, it’s never too late to get involved – the more, the merrier when it comes to working toward Democratic victories next November.

For more information, or if you’d like to volunteer, please contact Laura Myers, NSW Chapter State Chair, at [email protected].

Mark your calendars for our Debates watch party on 14th September, and our next Chapter Meet-Up at 6:30pm on Tuesday, 17th September, at the Aurora Hotel in Sydney.
