Wednesday, August 14



Dear members,

We need all hands on deck! There are less than 90 days for the Presidential Election!

We are having a scheduled 40 min. Virtual event next August 14th. We are looking forward to expanding our network!

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 424 463 0123 Passcode: 1p0Qj6

Fall 2024 - Volunteer Opportunities


In 2020, DA made over 600,000 calls. Trainings happen frequently and information can be found here: 

There is also the option to watch a pre-recorded training. Log-in to your DA account to access information and register. Once you've completed the training you'll take a short quiz and get set-up with an account on CallHub (the online platform used to make the calls).

Voter Assistance

We want to host weekly drop-in voter assistance events in Madrid through October but need help organizing and staffing them with volunteers who are trained in voter assistance.

Voter Registration & Ballot Request, Receipt & Return training sessions are available live and recorded: 

Learn how to help your friends, family, and other overseas voters register to vote and request their ballots as overseas voters. There are special advantages that apply only to overseas voters -- but specific rules apply. Learn how to use our website,, and other voter resources to help make registering to vote, getting an overseas ballot and returning their ballots easy, simple, and quick!

Social Media

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook - we need help! Can be creating content, coordination, etc.

GOTV/New Member Outreach

Organizing hanging up posters, tabling, etc.

Event Organization

Organizing events to attract new members and engage our current members. This can take lots of different forms! Coffee gatherings, documentary screening, etc. Also helping us identify event spaces. We'll help support you, but we really need volunteers to take the lead on some events!

We specifically need help organizing:

  • Voter registration + assistance events

  • Talks/presentations on topics of interest to our members

  • Election celebration in November

  • Thanksgiving + DA Madrid 20th anniversary celebration in November (likely Nov. 21)

Fundraising - House Parties

We are looking for hosts to throw house party fundraisers in support of DA Spain. A detailed toolkit is provided.

Hope to see you ALL next August 14th.!
Democratically yours,
Lucia J. Perez Crespo-Hernansaiz
DA Chapter Chair


Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 06:30 PM Madrid Time


This is a virtual event. See the event description above or RSVP for virtual participation options.


Lucia J Perez

Will you come?

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.