Tuesday, May 17

Maine Voters Abroad Planning Meeting

Dear Maine Voters Abroad: 

DA's Maine State Team is calling all members who vote in - or just love - the state of Maine to join meeting and special planning meeting for the State of the Race Maine 2022 event coming up on June 1st.

We have three great speakers already confirmed for this event, including Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, and it's time to get organized so we can run a great event. Join us to learn more and to get involved in this and future events to help mobilize Maine voters abroad for critical races this fall, educate DA members about Maine races and our ranked-choice voting system and to make sure our officials back home understand the challenges facing Maine voters abroad. 
Tuesday, May 17th
1pm EDT / 7pm CEST
RSVP for the Zoom link!
Please write to [email protected] with any questions!


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time



11 RSVPs