Monday, September 18


Phonebanking Training - Sept 18

Global Phonebanking Training:  Branching scripts!  Bullet point scripts!

We’re now calling DA members who vote in critical contested districts in NJ and VA.

Help keep the New Jersey state legislature (and expanded overseas voting rights)!  Help re-gain the Virginaia state legislature! Our overseas votes can make the difference!! 

(These may be our last 2023 calls.)

Phonebanking is one of the easiest and most effective ways to turn out the DA vote around the globe! 

You’re welcome at this training whether a new caller or an experienced caller who wants an update on the new branching and bullet point scripts.

In this session, you'll get up to speed on the elections in NJ & VA and be ready to make calls to fellow Democrats Abroad members from the comfort of your own laptop, at whatever time works for you.

For questions: [email protected]

Monday Sept 18 at 1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:00-11:00am (Vancouver)
7:00-8:00pm (CEST)
2:00-3:00am, next day Sept 8 (Tokyo) 

RSVP to get the Zoom link!


Monday, September 18, 2023 at 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Katie Solon
[email protected]

You must login as a member of Democrats Abroad to RSVP to this event.

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14 RSVPs