On April 1 the Geneva Chapter's Nominations Committee issued a call for candidates to serve on the new Chapter Committee. We are now pleased to announce the nominees as listed below. At the Annual Chapter Meeting elections on May 7, further nominations will be accepted from the floor, and encouraged for the open secretary and treasurer positions. We invite all Geneva/Vaud members of DA to attend the annual meeting, meet the nominees and vote, and plan for the coming two years and presidential election with the new committee.
Candidates are listed here according to office, in the same order the offices will be elected at the ACM.
Nominated Candidates
Office: Chair (1)
Two years ago, I was asked to take the leadership of the new Geneva chapter of Democrats Abroad Switzerland. I must admit, I did so with some reluctance – although I, like so many other Americans, felt compelled to get more involved in civic activities after the 2016 presidential elections, I wondered if I was the right person to be in charge of such an important undertaking. And then I realized that it was not an undertaking I would assume alone. I was right. Together, all of us, the many dedicated people who volunteered their time, talents and money, helped bring the Geneva chapter to fruition, with special events, speakers, book group discussions, voter registration drives, and meetups where we just sat and talked.
Now as we begin the next two years of existence as a formal chapter, we’re looking toward another presidential election, one in which we have the chance to correct the grave injustices that have been brought upon our country by a man that I believe to be the worst president in American history. We in Democrats Abroad have an important part to play in that decision, and we need to make our voices heard. I ask you to give me a chance to help in that mission by electing me for a second term as chair of the DACH Geneva chapter.
Over the last two years, we have been able as a chapter to build a sense of camaraderie and connection to the elections and other issues impacting us as Americans and have worked diligently as part of the country and global DA committees to educate voters abroad of their rights to vote while living outside the country. We will continue to do so in the lead up to November 2020 by continuing to reach out to potential members, to raise funds for use in global primaries and voter registration, and to encourage current members to stay connected to the process through attendance at local and national events and membership in one or more of the DA caucus groups. Our efforts paid off handsomely in 2018. Together, we can do the same in 2020.
Office: Vice-Chair (1)
The harsh wake-up call of 2016 has driven home that we cannot take anything for granted. I never thought I would see our democracy as fragile and battered as we see it now. Living in Geneva made me unsure about what I can do from afar, until I discovered Democrats Abroad. DA has helped me connect with other Americans, stay more deeply informed about the realities and issues that our country faces, and inspired me to act from abroad. Collectively, Americans who vote from abroad can make a real difference!
I personally really appreciate our book club, where we help each other critically examine and articulate ever more clearly what we stand for and why it matters now more than ever, so that we can reach out here and back home to our communities and make our case.
As Vice-Chair for the Geneva Chapter, I look forward to supporting our Chair in organizing events that keep us informed and connected with other concerned citizens, and that keep us actively engaged in our political processes.
Office: Secretary (No nominee)
Office: Treasurer (No nominee)
The Nominations Committee thanks those engaged members who have stepped up to serve, and hopes to see a large gathering at the election meeting on May 7. For any questions, comments or to nominate yourself or someone else, please write the Committee at [email protected].